Full Name
Sherlyn Bratcher
Job Title
Social Emotional Learning Specialist & School Counselor Liaison
Green River Regional Educational Cooperative
Speaker Bio
Sherlyn Bratcher is in her 23rd year in education. She spent 20 years working in both a high school and a middle school both as a teacher and then as a school counselor. She transitioned to Green River Regional Educational Cooperative where she works as a Social Emotional Learning Specialist and a School Counselor Liaison who supports 46 school districts in Kentucky. She has been able to provide training and support to districts, schools, administrators, teachers, school counselors/mental health professionals, caregivers, and SROs in the areas of SEL, trauma-informed, restorative practices, engagement, resiliency, mental health, MTSS, and more. She has also presented at various conferences and summits across Kentucky as well as national conferences including Trauma Sensitive Schools and PBIScon. She is on the Kentucky School Counselor Association board as the 2023-2024 President-Elect.
Sherlyn Bratcher