Date & Time
Thursday, May 30, 2024, 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Session Type
Breakout Session
Prioritizing Well-being: Strategies for School Administrators and School Safety Leaders

As leaders in the critical fields of education and safety, it is more important than ever to prioritize your well-being amidst the demanding landscape of your roles. Through interactive exercises, you'll gain hands-on experience, equipping you to seamlessly integrate these strategies into your daily routines, whether at work or home. Join this session to:

  • Identify personal needs and establish healthy boundaries, crucial for sustaining peak performance both personally and professionally.
  • Explore actionable tactics for enhancing physical well-being through optimal nutrition, hydration, movement, and quality sleep.
  • Delve into strategies for bolstering emotional and mental health, including stress and anxiety management techniques grounded in mindfulness and meditation.
Sherlyn Bratcher
Mental & Behavioral Health, Health & Wellness, Culture, Climate & Community
Meeting Room 3 & 4
Session Resource