Full Name
Connie Hamilton
Job Title
Education Consultant & Author of the best seller "Hacking Questions
Speaker Bio
Connie Hamilton Ed.S. has more than two decades in education as teacher, instructional coach, elementary/secondary principal and K-12 district administrator. She is an international educational consultant and presenter, and the author of five books for teachers and leaders, including the best seller, Hacking Questions. Connie’s passion is engagement and questioning techniques. Her workshops are energetic and relevant because she models the strategies and practices she highlights. She strikes the perfect balance between research and application. Participants appreciate that the methods she shares are solid best practices, but shared in a way that makes them accessible. Educators leave a session with Connie Hamilton feeling inspired and prepared to implement effective strategies. Job-Embedded professional learning is part of any educator’s journey to mastering strategies and instructional methods. Connie supports educators in their setting by facilitating group observations where collective efficacy is fostered and the same gradual release of responsibility we provide for students is offered for teachers. She is known for detailed, specific, and actionable feedback. Connie builds on teachers’ strengths to expand and deepen their impact on student learning.
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