Full Name
Kimberly Daubenspeck
Job Title
School Safety Director
Office of School Safety and Transportation, Tennessee Department of Education
Speaker Bio
Kimberly Daubenspeck serves at the School Safety Director in the Office of School Safety and Transportation for the Tennessee Department of Education.  In that role, she manages the Regional Wellness and Safety Consultants, and provides training, technical assistance, and resources in school safety. She also works with Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to measure school climate and implement best practices to improve school climate. She is a trainer in Youth Mental Health First Aid, Restorative Practices, Building Strong Brains (Adverse Childhood Experiences), PREPARE Postvention, Emergency Operations Planning and Behavioral Threat Assessment.

Prior to her work as a School Safety Director, she has also worked at Murfreesboro City Schools and the Guidance Center. Ms. Daubenspeck holds a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from MTSU and a B.S. in Psychology from MTSU and a Graduate Certificate in Data Science from MTSU.
Kimberly Daubenspeck