Date & Time
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Session Type
Breakout Session
Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management (BTAM): Special Education Considerations

This workshop will discuss the special consideration necessary to ensure your threat assessment processes do not violate special education protocols and procedures. How IDEA, 504, and ADA Title II “Direct Threat Standard” intersect with threat assessment and the considerations needed to ensure districts are complying with federal law will be presented. Best practice guidance regarding parent permission vs notification, information sharing, discipline, and change in programming and/or placement decisions will be discussed.  In addition, knowledge gained in serving as an expert witness in court cases involving threat assessment, targeted violence and suicidal ideation will be highlighted.  

Workshop participants will:

  • discuss special considerations to take into account when conducting threat assessments with students with disabilities or suspected of having a disability.
  • understand the clear distinction, yet complementary aspects, between threat assessment and special education policies and procedures.
  • learn how IDEA, 504 and ADA Title II “Direct Threat Standard” intersect with threat assessment and the considerations needed to ensure districts are complying with federal law.
  • be provided best practice guidance regarding parent permission vs notification, information sharing, and discipline
  • identify the critical actions that need to be taken in the threat assessment process if a change of placement or programming is to be recommended.
Dr. Melissa Reeves
Mental & Behavioral Health, Culture, Climate & Community, Leadership, Law & Policy, Operations & Emergency Management
Ballroom D
Session Resource
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