Date & Time
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Session Type
Breakout Session
Maslow Matters: Ensuring Bright Futures

Dr. CJ Huff, former superintendent of Joplin Schools, was tasked with improving graduation rates in 2010, within his struggling school community. No longer just a school issue, low graduation rates were identified as a community concern. Like so many communities across the nation, many Joplin students struggled with poverty and often a lack of parental involvement. Teachers spent much of their time, and often their own resources, meeting students’ basic needs. This session will discuss how the school and community applied a "Maslow Matters" focus to ensure student success. Since the early days of what would become the Bright Futures program, dozens of school communities have followed his lead.

Dr. C.J. Huff
Mental & Behavioral Health, Health & Wellness, Culture, Climate & Community
Meeting Room 3 & 4