Full Name
Brice Allen
Job Title
Deputy Director
Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
Speaker Bio
Brice Allen is the Homeland Security Deputy Director for the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security. During his law enforcement career, he has specialized in violent crime investigations, physical security and protective operations, threat and risk assessment, and intelligence collection and analysis.

Brice began his career as a police officer in 1999 with the City of Boca Raton (Florida) Police Department and later joined the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security in 2011. As the Homeland Security Deputy Director, Brice is responsible for statewide homeland security operations and the Office of Homeland Security’s school security program.

Brice has a Bachelor of Arts in Homeland Security with coursework in emergency management, international and domestic terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and terrorist ideology and tactics. He has authored several articles and presentations and has received numerous commendations throughout his career for his law enforcement efforts.
Brice Allen