Prevent to Protect: Supporting School Communities In the Prevention of Targeted Adolescent Violence
Date & Time
Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Alyse Folino Ley, DO - Michigan State University’s Department of Psychiatry
Dr. Frank Straub - Safe and Sound Schools
Dr. Frank Straub - Safe and Sound Schools

Explore the Prevent 2 Protect Project with founders, Alyse Ley, DO and Frank Straub, PhD and learn how P2P can support your school community in violence prevention. The five-year collaborative pilot project, funded by the Michigan Department of Education, brings together Michigan State University’s Department of Psychiatry and Safe and Sound Schools to implement a cross-system community-based model to prevent acts of adolescent targeted violence through professional development, community engagement, early identification, intervention, mentoring, and intensive community-based case management.
Session Type
General Session
Mental & Behavioral Health, Health & Wellness, Safety & Security, Culture, Climate & Community, Leadership, Law & Policy, Operations & Emergency Management
Session Partner
Motorola Solutions, Michigan State Department of Education