Paw Paw High School Case Study Pt. 1: A Planned Attack-Warning Signs and Opportunities for Intervention
Date & Time
Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Alyse Folino Ley, DO - Michigan State University’s Department of Psychiatry
Dr. Frank Straub - Safe and Sound Schools
Dr. Frank Straub - Safe and Sound Schools

This interactive multi-part session will apply lessons learned through a case study analysis of the Paw Paw High School & South Haven Pier Shooting. This case study analyzes an averted school attack at a Michigan high school and an act of violence carried out by the averted school attacker three years later. This incident highlights the need for ongoing engagement and management of high-risk persons during and after an averted attack as well as the need for collaborative multidisciplinary interventions to prevent acts of targeted violence that may endure after the initial threat was mitigated.
Session Type
Case Study
Mental & Behavioral Health, Culture, Climate & Community, Leadership, Law & Policy
Session Partner
Motorola Solutions, Michigan State Department of Education