Full Name
Becky Orf
Job Title
Social Services Counselor
Bowling Green R-1 School District, MO
Speaker Bio
Becky Orf is a School Counselor from Bowling Green R-1 School District whose duties also include Foster Care Liaison, District Liaison for Homeless Children and Youth, Bright Futures Coordinator, School Therapy Dog handler, and helping to meet any other social or emotional needs her students struggle with. Her undergraduate degree is in Criminal Justice and her master's is in Counseling. She previously spent years working as a Juvenile Officer and Child Abuse/Neglect Investigator before becoming a school counselor 7 years ago. She founded and is the president of a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization called The Libota Project that seeks to provide lasting, long-term, and sustainable support to vulnerable, orphaned children in Kinshasa, DRCongo. She is a natural light photographer that enjoys photographing families and people she meets along her travels around the world, using her camera to tell stories to engage others to give. She is the proud mother of seven amazing, resilient children and works hard every day to overcome the effects of the trauma they have suffered in their past. She also recently became a grandma! She spends most of her time at sporting events for her children and is their biggest cheerleader… and taxi driver.
Becky Orf