Full Name
Mandy Schneitman
Job Title
Tennessee School Safety Mentor
TN School Safety Mentor Program
Speaker Bio
For over thirty years as an educator in Tennessee serving as a teacher, school counselor, supervising director, and now a TN School Safety Mentor, I have been honored to serve students, parents, teachers, counselors, administrators and district staff in various roles of education. As a TN School Safety Mentor, I have had many opportunities to support districts and schools with training and support around emergency procedures, postvention readiness and threat assessment. During my last twenty years in Jefferson County Schools as Assistant Supervisor of Exceptional Children Services then as Supervisor of Student Services I supervised school counselors, school nurses, alternative school, adult education, technology, attendance, Family Resource, Coordinated School Health, homebound services, truancy and juvenile court liaison, Career Ladder, WIA Youth Development and School Age Child Care programs as well as lead our School Safety Initiatives with the schools and community partners including procedures, training, exercises and lead our District Emergency Response Team.
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