Full Name
Dr. Stephen Brock
Job Title
Professor & School Psychology Program Coordinator
California State University, Sacramento (CSUS)
Speaker Bio
Dr. Stephen E. Brock is a Professor Emeritus of School Psychology in the College of Education at California State University, Sacramento (CSUS). His professional preparation includes undergraduate and graduate degrees in psychology and a Ph.D. in Education (with an emphasis in psychological studies) from the University of California, Davis, where he researched Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
A Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSP) and Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP), Dr. Brock worked for 18 years as a school psychologist with the Lodi (CA) Unified School District (the last 6 of which included assignment as Lead Psychologist) before joining the CSUS faculty. As a school psychologist, he served multiple elementary and middle schools, helped to develop the district's school crisis response protocol, served on an autism specialty team, and specialized in functional behavioral assessment.
A member of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) since 1985, Dr. Brock currently serves as a Contributing Editor to the Communiqué (the NASP newspaper) and a School Psychology Review's Editorial Advisory Board member. He was a founding member of NASP’s School Safety and Crisis Response Committee and is Chair of the Elections & Nominations Committee. In addition, he previously served NASP as the Coordinator of the Crisis Management Interest Group, the California representative to the Delegate Assembly (now known as the Leadership Assembly), the Western Region Representative to the Executive Council (now known as the Board of Directors), and Secretary, President-Elect, President, and Past-President.
At the state level, Dr. Brock is a past president of the California Association of School Psychologists (CASP). He also previously served CASP as the Region X Representative, the Employment Relations Specialist, the Convention Chairperson, the Spring Conference Chairperson, an editorial board member of CASP Today (the CASP newsletter), and an Associate Editor of The California School Psychologist (now known as Contemporary School Psychology). He is on the editorial board of CASP's peer-reviewed journal, Contemporary School Psychology. He has been Guest Editor of special issues on "School-Based Threat Assessment" and "Addressing Aggression and Violence in Diverse School Settings." In 1997, he received a CASP Outstanding School Psychologist award; in 2012, he received CASP's Sandra Goff Memorial Award.
Dr. Brock was the lead editor of the NASP publication Best Practices in School Crisis Prevention and Intervention (2nd ed.), lead author of School Crisis Prevention and Intervention: The PREPaRE Model (2nd ed.), and lead author of the PREPaRE Mental Health Crisis Intervention workshop. He received NASP's Presidential award in 2004, 2006, and 2016; the Crisis Management Interest Group's Award of Excellence in 2006 and 2007, and a 2016 Government and Professional Relations Committee Certificate of Appreciation for supporting “political action and advocacy on behalf of children … to improve education and mental health services for children, youth, and their families.”
A Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSP) and Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP), Dr. Brock worked for 18 years as a school psychologist with the Lodi (CA) Unified School District (the last 6 of which included assignment as Lead Psychologist) before joining the CSUS faculty. As a school psychologist, he served multiple elementary and middle schools, helped to develop the district's school crisis response protocol, served on an autism specialty team, and specialized in functional behavioral assessment.
A member of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) since 1985, Dr. Brock currently serves as a Contributing Editor to the Communiqué (the NASP newspaper) and a School Psychology Review's Editorial Advisory Board member. He was a founding member of NASP’s School Safety and Crisis Response Committee and is Chair of the Elections & Nominations Committee. In addition, he previously served NASP as the Coordinator of the Crisis Management Interest Group, the California representative to the Delegate Assembly (now known as the Leadership Assembly), the Western Region Representative to the Executive Council (now known as the Board of Directors), and Secretary, President-Elect, President, and Past-President.
At the state level, Dr. Brock is a past president of the California Association of School Psychologists (CASP). He also previously served CASP as the Region X Representative, the Employment Relations Specialist, the Convention Chairperson, the Spring Conference Chairperson, an editorial board member of CASP Today (the CASP newsletter), and an Associate Editor of The California School Psychologist (now known as Contemporary School Psychology). He is on the editorial board of CASP's peer-reviewed journal, Contemporary School Psychology. He has been Guest Editor of special issues on "School-Based Threat Assessment" and "Addressing Aggression and Violence in Diverse School Settings." In 1997, he received a CASP Outstanding School Psychologist award; in 2012, he received CASP's Sandra Goff Memorial Award.
Dr. Brock was the lead editor of the NASP publication Best Practices in School Crisis Prevention and Intervention (2nd ed.), lead author of School Crisis Prevention and Intervention: The PREPaRE Model (2nd ed.), and lead author of the PREPaRE Mental Health Crisis Intervention workshop. He received NASP's Presidential award in 2004, 2006, and 2016; the Crisis Management Interest Group's Award of Excellence in 2006 and 2007, and a 2016 Government and Professional Relations Committee Certificate of Appreciation for supporting “political action and advocacy on behalf of children … to improve education and mental health services for children, youth, and their families.”
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