Closing Keynote – Optimism is Powerful

Optimism is powerful. When human beings grow their capacity to see and focus on the goodness in themselves, others, and the world, their social, emotional and cognitive superpowers emerge.

Optimism, however, can be fragile. Chronic stress, fear and overwhelming adversity can weaken and destroy our capacity for optimism. This inspiring presentation helps individuals discover the healing power of optimism to create safe, joyful, & engaging environments where EVERYONE- children and staff alike-can heal, learn and grow.

Using research, humor and personal stories from Steve & the Playmakers’ 30+ years of work with kids and the people who commit their careers to helping them, Steve shares how optimistic individuals can bring out the best in children, themselves, and their colleagues.

Steve Gross
Session Type
Mental & Behavioral Health, Health & Wellness, Culture, Climate & Community
Session Partner
Door Security & Safety Foundation